No caffeine either. Oops! Cutting caffeine out cold turkey is not going well. That's the "nearly" part up there... Headache, tired, cranky. Yep, that's me. I had to put down the Olive portrait today because I was getting verbally abusive toward the poor dog! (Good thing she is safely hundreds of miles away!)
So, I came to Stella's to have a cup of green tea figuring a LITTLE caffeine can't hurt, right? Ugh. You'd think I was raised Catholic... as the guilt sneaked up while I was ordering and forced me to get a steamer instead.
I'm soothed though. And I'm ready to go back to the house and keep painting. I'm also vowing to work out while I watch my reality TV indulgence tonight... America's Next Top Model! I'm telling you, though I doubt you'll believe me, the only reason I love that show is for the photography aspect! I LOVE seeing the finished products after a shoot! And I love the hair and make-up transformations, too. The drama I can totally do without, I swear!
Although... sometimes those catty, immature little girls manage to make me feel better about myself! ;-)
I need to buy a different camera, by the way. If anyone has a digital SLR that they are looking to sell, please let me know! I can't afford a new one, obviously, so... if you are ready for an upgrade and want your old baby to go to a new, loving home... I'm your mama!
Ah! Glo! I'm so proud of you! The business sounds like a great idea! Love you!...even if you like catty reality tv.