So this week's Flickr group photo assignment was "Circles," and where better to find them than the grocery store?! So many whole foods are round... or round-ish... from tomatoes, to melons, to brussle sprouts! I also wanted to combine my photo challenge with my self-imposed eating/shopping challenge, so... Safeway provided inspiration on both counts.

I am having a difficult time eating all of the produce I buy before it goes bad. Having a family would be great, but 'tis just me. I bought one of these cabbages, but how on earth will I eat the whole thing without being a gassy mess? I could make a soup and freeze some of it, I suppose, but the challenge there is freezer space. Stacy's freezer is already crammed full of her frozen meals, tons of Tom's venison sausage, and my few frozen piddlings. I also have no appropriate containers (nor the money to purchase them). So? Hmmm... it would have been good to think of this ahead of time.
I suppose I am still in the begining stages and should cut myself a break. At least I've started composting (don't tell Stacy!) and nothing technically goes to waste. Still... half a rotting cabbage seems like a little death to me.
I need to focus more on meal planning... figuring out which local foods are available BEFORE going to the store, creating a rough sketch for a week of meals, and THEN heading to the store. In other words, I need to be ever MORE mindful. This certainly takes practice.

The good news, though, is that I'll soon be able to afford canning and freezing containers! Why? BECAUSE I GOT A JOB!!! That's right! After 9 months of unemployment (I'm not counting the insurance gig because I actually LOST money there), I have finally obtained full-time employment.
And not just ANY employment! I am now working for GREENPEACE! I start Monday morning. I've been assured that there is much advancement potential. A recent hire was promoted after just 3 WEEKS! AND after 90 days, I get full medical and dental benefits... FREE! No co-pays! No contributions (other than a few dollars/mo. for dental)! It's amazing!
I'm uber excited! I finally have a job that will support the earth... make positive changes... help countless people! It's perfect! ...and I can't wait to get started!
(My wallet can't wait either!)
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