I was named "Best Damned Greenpeacer" last week and was mentioned in the NATIONAL newsletter for having signed up 7 members in my first TWO days on the street. I finished the week with one of the highest sign-up's/stops ratios in the country. My boss's boss is flying in from D.C. Monday to do some city coordinator interviews and also wants to sit down and talk with me. HIS boss is going to be out on the street to watch my team leader at work... and I happen to be working with them, too. (Thanks, Candace.) It's big doin's for little Glo.
I want the following to happen: Ayla, my team leader, will be promoted to city director and I will then be appointed team leader in her place.
As long as I am able to continue to kick some canvassing ass, which seems likely as I only get better at this with each day, I should be in a good position. I need to do a stellar job on Monday and get a slew of sign-up's. (If anyone wants to become a member of GP, please call me that day and I'll get you started!)
It gives me a lot of focus and I certainly need that right now... as I am cutting the cord with a certain someone who as occupied so much of my time and energy these last couple of years. I don't intend to hide my pain with work, of course... still, it is easier to heal when your mind is busy with something else.
So, today I am sitting at Stella's learning a new pitch or two. I've been working soully on the Kimberly-Clark campaign and need to get started on Global Warming... and perhaps over fishing since sustainable eating is such a passion of mine. (I'll have to ask Candace about the latter though... since I haven't heard of anyone in Denver pitching that campaign and don't know how successful it would be.)
Global warming is such a touchy subject for people, though. I really have had it easy with Kimberly-Clark and deforestation. Few people argue with the fact that we need trees and shouldn't cut them down without replanting. MANY people feel global warming is a load of crap. So, I have to really build up an arsenol of power fact that avoid teh words "global warming" and instead focus on pollution, polar bears and other endangered species, melting polar ice, etc. ...things that can't be denied or written off as "liberal agenda."
The difficulty is in getting straight facts. So many of my colleagues use different numbers. Ayla says "America is 6% of the population but puts out 30% of the CO2." Chris says, "We are 5% of the population but create 30% of the pollution." We were taught in training that we are 5% of the population and put out 25% of the earth's pollution. Which is correct? And is it CO2 or total pollution? And how is that measured? I want to arm myself with the FACTS. I have to be 100% behind them in order to convey strength and conviction. I need to use strong language and build my rejection cycle ammo.
So, I'm researching...
Wish me luck.
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