I'm finding it to be true... the most important, the most beautiful, the most healing things are Sweetness & Light.
Sweetness: Another word for Compassion. "Be sweet" is something a friend's grandmother said instead of "good bye." Be sweet, indeed. Be kind. Be thoughtful, mindful, and open. Be warm, loving, tender, open... Why would you want to be any other way? (And would you want anyone else to be any other way?)
Light: In the metaphysical world, we talk about Light as Love, as God. Many people close written/typed communication with "Love & Light," or "Sending you Light." Light is energy, sacred energy, and represents hope, goodness, clarity, warmth, and awakening. Transcendence. Light is what leads us out of Darkness, out of fear, anxiety or depression. Light fills the shadows of our hearts and minds, sweeps away the negative ideas and feelings and makes everything safe again.
Sweetness & Light. Compassion & God. What better with which to save ourselves?
So often, when I'm truly being mindful, I notice that my feelings of sadness or negativity stem from defensiveness... defense against fears, against things my brain creates... not against anything real. "She must hate me." "He had to have meant that I'm fat." "Her mom seems angry with me." "I'm stupid/ugly/worthless/whatever." It's all crap! And if I can just stop, listen to myself... not my brain, but my soul... and fill the hurting spaces with Sweetness & Light...
Everything is healed.
Sweetness & Light... strawberries and champagne for the soul!
So, after taking The Vow, and meditating on what that means to me... I've decided that every time I get upset, I will ask myself, "What can I do to be sweet to myself? To someone else?" I can surround them/myself with Light... imagine it, feel it... and give something simple... a smile, a gentle word, a moment of peace/space, a piece of fruit... it doesn't matter as long as it

This has already proven incredibly effective.
And I know it might seem strange to you that I've mentioned doing something sweet for myself... but it's my brain that needs retaining... and my soul that deserves compassion. If I'm angry, if I'm upset or feeling something negative toward another... it's a defense against a past hurt, a closing down of some sort... and I need to retrain myself to remember "It's not about me" and "I am worth loving" and... Sweetness & Light are truly all that matters.
I need to allow myself the Space to be quiet and let in those two healing elements... and send them outward as well... and "reward" myself for remembering what is real.
just beautiful.