Blue Sunday

I worked a long day yesterday... until 10pm. In the middle of my day I received word that a beautiful little girl, one that always epitomized the awesomeness of children for me, passed away early this past spring from a sudden infection. 48 hours between diagnosis and death. I can think of nothing more tragic... nor more insistent in its reminder to us all that life is SO precious and we truly should not waste a moment.
Something shifted for me in that moment... immediately upon reading the email... a new urgency in what I'm doing on this planet. Within 30 minutes... I had signed up two new members for Greenpeace.
I'm not trying to say that Emmy's passing and global warming are directly related. No. What I'm saying is that the connections between us all... the web of life... the flow of life through every single thing...
Life is fragile. The earth is fragile. We are fragile.
We need to take care of and appreciate each other AND the world. Nothing could be more fundamental.
After a truly rough day in Boulder on Friday, I felt pretty deflated and cynical. People can be so... trying. But when an amazing little girl like Emmy suddenly disappears... it gives you a new set of eyes. Emmy is in all of us... whether we feel we've lost that or not.
The woman who flipped me off yesterday after I asked her to help me save polar bears... Maybe she just lost her Emmy, too. How could I possibly know? Why did I cry out of my own self pity when I could have simply remembered that this woman could be in pain and that I was merely a convenient target?
Of course, in my typical fashion, I have swung the pendulum a bit too far today. I'm melancholy... mourning the pain of everyone... sad for the 99% of people I encounter each day who seem angry/upset/frustrated/whatever. I allowed myself to become blue... and now I'm attempting to dig myself back out.
Sweetly Sick

So, the 'Lil Glo is sick. It's been coming on for weeks now... allergies, to sinus infection, to this full-blown poopiness. I was forced to take a day off work (and accept a Saturday shift to boot). The fitting thing, though, is that my insurance cards came in the mail today! Oh, how the Universe conspires!
Of course, me being me, I still felt I had to do SOMETHING productive and ended up cleaning the whole house, pulling weeds from the back patio, giving Talula a bath, and driving to Stella's to edit several photos I took early yesterday for Wednesday's Wonders (see previous post)... and now I'm even more exhausted than I was before. I can be quite stupid.
Alas, I have vowed to spend the remains of the day in sweet repose. I'll swing by Blockbuster on the way home to pick up a documentary of some kind and put together an easy dinner before settling in completely. (Organic chicken khorma is the plan... as I've already done all of the food prep.)
Time to take care of me.
Wednesday's Wonders

I dream a lot... and remember at least one dream per night. That my dreams seem right of the pages of Alice Through The Looking Glass is nothing new. Last night's adventures, however, were something completely unlike anything else.
The first dream of the three I can recall involved preparations for Thanksgiving dinner at my Great Grandma Price's... but we couldn't find her and Grandma Price was getting impatient. I ended up hiding in the bathroom until Grandpa would come to smooth things over. The interior of her house was painted this bright turquoise/sea foam green... the only clear difference between reality and the dream. It was a brief dream... but strange because we never had a single holiday meal at her house. Birthdays very occasionally... but never a major holiday. Those belonged to Grandma Price.
The second dream took place at an indoor pool. It was kind of dark and the water was a little murky, but I decided to swim anyway. Tom was there, but much older... a grumpy old man waving around a rubber gun while standing at the edge of the pool. It wasn't even a black gun... but one the color of Silly Putty. Amy was there, too, and the most reluctant of the group to get in the water. Tom assured us the bugs at the bottom were harmless though they looked like overgrown, stinger-less scorpions. One of the scorpions turned into a long haired Mexican woman. As she swam to the surface a band of Mexican illegals busted in through french doors at the shallow end of the pool to grab her. It was at this point that I realized I was dating a man named either "Sugar" or "Cube," but I couldn't really see him... only a tall, dark shadow. (Not dark in the emotional sense... but in his coloring.)
The third dream might actually have been a continuation of the second, though I did wake up between them when Talula pushed to get under the covers. Sugar (or Cube... I still can't remember which it was) took me to a concert... though I still couldn't really make out his face. He seemed close in age and handsome, but... that was just a sense I had. We entered a huge auditorium... it may even have been a high school gym... and sat on some bar stools right by the entrance... even though there was one huge set of bleachers facing the stage and another across from our stools.
The stage was huge, too... and there was Alison warming up on marimba surrounded by many other musicians. I thought at first that Stacy Jones was there, but thankfully it wasn't her. Carolyn Stuart was there but as a vocalist instead of violinist. There was a second marimba player, guitar and bass players, vibe and drum set players and several singers. Alison noticed me and gave me a warm wave.
There was a sort of tree hanging from the ceiling... or branches, rather... as if we were up in a giant tree house. Pink and green princess crowns hung from those branches... the green ones said "Mountain" and the pink ones said "Mama." They glittered and had faux pearls at their tips.
The concert began and it was very odd... folksy and international... I can't describe it... just kind of over-blown and cheesy... like something you'd hear in a beer tent but with a lot of world music mixed in. We were asked to get up and dance in pairs, but Sugar had disappeared... instead, my Grandma was there (yes, again) dancing with an older gentleman. I teased her that he was her boyfriend, but she said they were just old friends. She decided to dance with me instead. We did the polka... and I was amazed at her strength and energy. She seemed so tall.
(I also remember thinking at one point that Alison was so beautiful... curvy, thin and taller than she is in RL. Another strange detail is that Carolyn kept singing out of key and that Catherine Heigel was singing really bad harmonies.)
When the dancing was over, I was alone on the floor in front of stage left. Wet gold glitter coated the floor. The MC asked me if I was a Greenpeace member. I said, "No, I work for Greenpeace. How did you know?" I looked down and saw that I was wearing a GP shirt. I felt embarrassed and kind of crawled back to my stool in front of all of those people. A Hispanic guy had taken Sugar's stool. I sat down as Carolyn S. explained to us the significance of the green and pink crowns. This was a benefit concert... something about mountains reproducing... I can't remember. I just remember that I thought it was weird even in the dream.
Alison walked down from the stage and showed me a planner... and my name was written in it along with four other names which were crossed out... she crossed mine out and said that I was the final sign of some prophesy about Greenpeace. Everyone kind of went into this hushed awe... murmuring... Then this "dirty" female cop busted in through the back entrance and Carolyn S. beat her down and hand cuffed her. The Hispanic guy grabbed me and started to drag me out the back door... saying I was his and that he'd killed Sugar. But Carolyn brought Sugar in ahead of us... he was hurt, badly bruised and bleeding, but not dead.
Weirdness. So much of my Grandma Price in these dreams, which isn't new but... When she appears, she usually has something important to tell me. She barely said a word to me in these dreams.
I did wake up with a feeling that I've safely tucked Tom into the Friendship column and smiled when I realized it.
I feel like Sugar was a symbol of some sweet man to come... and also that he was a sort of guardian angel who was attempting to lead me where I needed to be to fulfill something important.
There was a lot of blending of old and new... Alison representing so many things... academia and past crushes... Grandma Grump and Amy representing childhood... Tom and his rubber gun representing how he never really had any power... Pink and green, both newness in color...
I don't get the parts of Hispanic bad guys. WTH? "Bad guys" in my dreams have always been ogre-ish white men with beards. Always.
These dreams have stayed with me all morning and keep pinching. I just don't know what the major message is here. Maybe you can see what I don't?!
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