This is one of those days during which I simply want to hibernate under the quilts with my dog... and perhaps a good book... a book not requiring much independent thought... a storybook, perhaps... some grown-up fairytale.
It is rare for me to actually follow through on this impulse, however. I may take a little nap... or read a chapter of something simple... but eventually guilt sets in and I'm up. Today is no exception. Though I wanted to stay in bed with Talula curled up in the curve of my fetal position, I was up by 8am, on the jobs lists by 8:30, and in the shower by 10. I took Talula home (I was at Tom's, you see), picked up Melanie's address, sent her painting out at the post office, and headed to Stella's to work on the latest "pet project."
My friend Jill asked me to work on a portrait of her dog Wendell. "Wendy" is a black Scottish terrier mix and the sketches are coming out quite... cute. I'm happy to have work. I'm glad that people are excited about what I can do with paint.
But dogs? Could someone please pay me to do something a little more... inspiring?
I had coffee with a friend Saturday evening. He said he would commission "my feelings," if only he weren't a poor teacher. We laughed... at me, mostly. Why would I think that anyone would want to pay me to create something only I understand? Who would honestly want to commission my emotions?
This set me in a small depression.
I made a tweet this morning about wanting to paint something special for someone... anyone... and the only request I received?! "You mean, you could do a giraffe? They're my favs!"
Would someone please be my muse? Someone who isn't currently obsessed with their pet or their animal spirit? Tell me how you are feeling... tell me your favorite things, your favorite colors and music... and I'll paint YOU.
After Wendell and the giraffe... I am going to do a series. My friends. Carolyn, Mel, Tom, you? That will be the first set I will bring to Stella's to sell.
In truth, I need to focus on something/someone other than myself. I need direction, outside inspiritation and guidance. I don't want to paint what I feel right now... grey and blue and winter... not now. I need to get out of my own head. I need an escape from ME.